Special Deal #1: Premium (Vinyl/CDs, old and new)



Become a supporter of Fourth Dimension and its affiliated labels by taking out this premium rank special deal whereby you will receive the following items:

Alternative TV 'Direct Action' LP
Kleistwahr 'Acceptance is Not Respect'/'Down But Defiant Yet' 2LP
Kleistwahr 'For the Lives Once Lived' CD
JFK 'Avalanche Zone' CD
Ashtray Navigations 'One From Then Another' CD
Void Fill 'Landfill History' CD

+ (upcoming in 2024)

Final 'I Am the Dirt Under Your Fingernails' 2LP
Edward Ka-Spel 'Tales from the Trenches' LP
V/A 'When Worlds Collide' 2LP
Sion Orgon new LP
Mummies and Madmen CD
Splintered 2CD
+ bonus release tbc

NB: If you have already pre-ordered any one (or more) of the upcoming releases, simply write so the price(s) can be deducted from the total. Current/back catalogue releases cannot be exchanged, however.